Alumni Feature: Tori Horton

2004, Humanities
CEO at Reset Your Nest, an Utah-based home organizing company focused on closing gender gaps in areas of wages, wealth, and work.
Graduating from BYU was a launching point that prepared me to further my academic studies at USC with a master's degree in Public Diplomacy. After graduation I found professional opportunities to connect my love for global studies and art with my desire to bridge cultures. I began working in technology and became a Product Manager to help create online and mobile tools that could connect people and stories. Women in the United States have powerful stories to share about their relationship with money, access to capital, and belief in their ability to drive decisions and make changes for themselves their families, and their communities. Through the years, I often reflect on my capstone class with Professor Jane Hinckley where we deconstructed eighteenth- and nineteenth- century British literature to understand how women of another era understood their ability to shape community norms by writing new and powerful stories centered on women. Today, as the CEO of a home organizing company, Reset Your Nest, we also celebrate the power of women in our community and are creating services that allow more women to live and work on their terms. Our team members and our clients are valuing labor that has traditionally been "women's work" and challenging cultural norms about how this work gets done. I love that BYU taught me that investing in our homes and in the stories of women matters.
"I love that BYU taught me that investing in our homes and in the stories of women matters"
What do you wish you had known as a CAL major? What advice would you like to share with current students?
Stay connected to a profession, you never know how life will unfold and companies today will work with parents to offer career flexibility. Working professionally and being a great parent are not binary choices- if you enjoy both you can do both!
After moving to California I learned to surf. I love being outdoors with my friends and family.
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